A memorial service for Ken Murata, 88-year-old Osaka-born resident of Anaheim, Calif., who passed away on July 13, 2022, will be held on Wednesday, August 3, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. at Evergreen Cemetery, 204 North Evergreen Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Bishop Noriaki Ito of Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple will officiate at the gravesite.

He is survived by his wife, Betty Fumiko Murata; sons, Steven Yasushi and Brian Kaoru Murata; daughter, Leslie Masayo Murata; brother and sisters-in-law, Henry and Helen Yasuda, Bill and Kazuko Yasuda, Margaret Yasuda and Kazuko Yasuda; many nieces, nephews and other relatives here and in Japan.

www.fukuimortuary.com (213) 626-0441

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