The Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles is accepting donations in response to the recent Noto Peninsula earthquake in Japan.

Donations can be made by check. Use the following information and mailing address below when sending a donation check.

Payee name is Consulate General of Japan. Include “Earthquake Relief” in the memo line and mail to Consulate General of Japan, 350 S. Grand Ave., Suite 1700, Los Angeles, CA 90071-3472 (Earthquake Relief).

Write “Earthquake Relief” both in the memo line on the check as well as in the final line of the mailing address on the envelope.

Disaster relief donations made to the consulate will be deposited directly with the Japanese Red Cross Society, to be utilized in responding to the post-disaster situation in the Noto Peninsula region.

Donations received at the consulate are not eligible for a deduction under U.S. tax law. The consulate may only accept donations using the method described above.The consulate accepts donations not only from individuals, but also from organizations.

If you need a receipt, write to request it on a separate sheet of paper included with your donation. Provide the recipient’s name, organization’s name, email address, mailing address, and any other relevant information that must reflect on the receipt, and the consulate will send you the receipt at a later date.

For more information, email

As of Feb. 1, one month after the magnitude-7.6 earthquake, more than 14,000 people remained evacuated and survivors face difficulty securing fresh food due to supply chain disruptions. The quake killed 238 people and left 19 people unaccounted for.

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